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The many benefits of cloud-based applications include redundancy, high-availability, fast and easy scalability,  low barrier to entry, and predictable costs.   Along with this comes a sense of security, that someone out there somewhere, is assuring that your data is safe, redundant, and available.    While this is true for the most part, there are many events which can lead to loss of data – both on the provider side, and the end user side.  So if data loss occurs, will you get your cloud-hosted data back?


SaaS Does Not Equal Safe

Most cloud applications (Office 365, Dropbox, for example) are designed in such a way to prevent data loss both via infrastructure redundancy, and via measures to prevent data loss due to user error.  This however does not guarantee you’ll get your data back in an event.  For example, ransomware can spread to sync’d OneDrive or Dropbox folders, causing encryption of your data.  A natural disaster could occur at the cloud provider’s datacenter, and if the data isn’t geographically replicated, you may experience data loss.  There are lots of scenarios, but it all comes down to the fact that backing up your cloud data is as imperative as backing up your on-premise data.


What’s the Solution?

With storage costs as low as they are (and only getting lower), there is no excuse to not backup your data, even if it’s in the cloud.  It is recommended to have your data exist in at least two geographically disperse locations, ideally three.  Over the years, many products have emerged that provide “cloud to cloud” backup, at very reasonable rates.    Don’t fall into the false sense of security – back up your data in the cloud.

To find out more about cloud backup solutions, feel free to contact us at any time.